Homegrown, not flown

The natural way...

We grow flowers as organically as possible without pesticides, herbicides or chemicals. This protects wildlife and provides food for the pollinators we share our farm with. Did you know that three quarters of all the crops that feed us require pollination by insects? These guys keep us alive, so we do all we can to support them.


We use a combination of our own compost made on the farm, local recyclable compost with natural fertilisers including comfrey and nettle teas we make ourselves.


Carobeth’s flowers have wonderful natural scent. This only occurs in flowers grown naturally in the right conditions and in their own time. We use the sun to provide the light and heat in their timeline. We don’t force them.

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Natural Spring Water

Not only do we have several natural springs on our land, we're also fortunate to have our own seasonal artesian borehole, which produces naturally pure water without additives.

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Homegrown, not flown

Buying locally grown, seasonal blooms helps cut the massive carbon footprint of the flower industry. #Britishflowersrock

Question & Answers

Why choose Carobeth Flowers?

Carobeth flowers are naturally grown with passion, love and care so that you can create beautiful scented arrangements for all occasions.

How do your flowers help the environment?

In choosing flowers from Carobeth, you are contributing to a rich biodiversity for pollinators and wildlife in Devon’s beautiful countryside.
You are helping us to protect and enhance the fragile ecosystems in the natural way.

How do you impact climate change?

Because your flowers are homegrown, not flown, you are generating a lower carbon footprint whilst enjoying the experience of beautiful flowers grown naturally in lovely Devon. You are supporting us towards achieving a negative impact to not only protect the planet but help us repair it.

What are the benefits toour customers?

Naturally nurtured British flowers bring a little bit of nature to your home. In this crazy fast-paced world we live in, you are giving yourself a reason to stop…. for whatever comes next.